Facial Skin Therapies

Creating stronger more hydrated skin

Specialised facial skin rejuvenation treatments can improve skin texture and reduce pigmentation, redness, scarring and acne allowing your skin to shine at its optimum level.  Dr Imani is Perth’s premier facial plastic surgeon and is able to recommend the best method for your facial skin rejuvenation, from surgical to non-surgical techniques that will give you the best results possible.

Aging skin develops fine lines and wrinkles along with changes toward a more sallow complexion. The skin becomes dryer, rougher and thinner with the appearance of blotchy pigmentation. Although surgery is available to remove the deeper lines, improvement of the finer wrinkles and facial colour can be best achieved through facial skin resurfacing and wrinkle fillers. Before your facial skin rejuvenation treatments, Dr Imani will often recommend a home skin care treatment program as well as light facial peels to improve and maintain their beneficial effects.

Facial peels, microdermabrasion and laser resurfacing can address and improve acne scarring, poor skin texture, wrinkles, brown age spots, roughened sunspots, pigmentary abnormalities and many sun-related conditions. The process involves stripping away the dead outer layer of skin (epidermis) and stimulating re-growth within the deeper layer of skin (dermis).  A common misconception of skin peels is that they 'thin the skin'. Peels will only thin the outermost layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, making your skin look smoother and brighter while actually thickening the dermis and the epidermis creating a stronger more youthful skin.

The goal of all skin therapy including topical creams, peels and lasers is to remove the dead skin and stimulate cell regeneration and increased collagen production. Peels and lasers create an even, controlled shedding of several layers of damaged cells of the epidermis. This exposes a new fresh skin. There are many different types of peels and laser therapies that vary from being very superficial to deep.   The deeper the peel or penetration of the laser, the better the removal of deeper wrinkles and the smoother the skin, however, the greater the depth of the laser treatment, the longer the recovery time and the greater the risks of complications such as hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation are. Superficial peels or IPL treatments improve the quality and texture of the skin in multiple treatment sessions over time. They are not as effective for facial skin rejuvenation or removal of facial lines and wrinkles as the deeper peels and laser resurfacing techniques yet they involve less downtime and have fewer complications.

The number of layers applied and the strength of chemical peels can be adjusted taking into account your individual skin type, needs and desired result. For the in-office facial peels, we usually recommend a series of three to six peels, spaced two to four weeks apart for optimal improvement, followed by periodic maintenance peels. These office peels are associated with minimal discomfort and minimal recovery time so that patients may return to work immediately.

It must be understood that chemical peels, laser resurfacing, and dermabrasion will not correct or "lift" sagging skin. Only a facelift will accomplish this. However, fine lines around the eyes or mouth can be remedied by skin resurfacing techniques. This is why the road to facial skin rejuvenation is a "multi-modality" treatment. Your surgeon should have all of the tools available, so that they can recommend the best one suited to your needs and specific problems.

Click here to contact us today for a complimentary facial skin rejuvenation consultation with a dermal therapist at Imani Facial Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Specialists in Perth.

Please see below for a list of skin rejuvenation services we provide at our Claremont clinic:


Microdermabrasion is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentation, sun damage, acne, scarring, blackheads, congestion, enlarged pores, dullness, dryness, dehydration and stretch marks.

Our unique microdermabrasion treatment involves crystal exfoliation followed by an organic flower peel that will leave your skin youthful and glowing. The process involves specially refined crystals being pushed onto the surface of the skin at high velocity to exfoliate dead skin cells and promote the generation of new skin cells and collagen. The flower peel system which follows provides a more polishing down approach to exfoliation and is ideal for those individuals with more sensitive skin. Choose from Soothing Lavender for sensitive, vascular skin, Rejuvenating Rose for wrinkle prone dehydrated skin or Tea Tree for oily, acne prone skin. This is then followed by a luxurious mineral mask application and a relaxing face, neck and shoulder massage.

Treatments are individualised and can be performed in less than an hour with little or no discomfort. Results are immediate. Best results are often achieved with a series of six treatments. Microdermabrasion treatments can be used in combination with skin peels.

Full Face (including mineral mask application and face, neck & shoulder massage) - $155.00

Full Face and Neck (including mineral mask application and face, neck & shoulder massage) - $195.00

Full Face, Neck and Decolletage (including mask and massage) - $255.00

Microdermabrasion + Infusion

This treatment can be performed after crystal or organic microdermabrasion for maximum hydration, smoothness and rejuvenation. A personalised combination of active serums are applied to the skin followed by the use of a specialised diamond head to actively infuse the serums. The result is not only additional resurfacing but also increased penetration of the active ingredients deep into the skin.

Full Face (including face, neck and shoulder massage) - $220.00

Full Face and Neck (including face, neck & shoulder massage) - $260.00

Full Face, Neck & Decolletage (including face, neck & shoulder massage) - $320.00

Non-Acid Skin Peel/Facial Infusion

This dermal remodelling treatment does not use acids or trauma to increase collagen and elastin formation. Through liposomal technology, active ingredients including Vitamin A and fibroblast stimulators are delivered deep into the skin to create natural exfoliation. The flaking that can arise from this procedure is a result of the skins own natural process of accelerated cell renewal. This cell renewal pushes cell debris and toxins to the surface to be expelled. At the same time, a powerful natural serum delivers potent nourishment into the dermis. The epidermis is never wounded and is able to work more efficiently without any downtime or trauma to the individual. This peel is gentle but the results are significant.

The infusions can be customised to treat acne, sun damage, rosacea, pigmentation, ageing skin, scarring, fine lines and for general skin rejuvenation and the maintenance of healthy skin.

Full Face Treatment - $140.00

Course of three treatments - $375.00

Glycolic Peels

They are part of the Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA) group of peels which is the mildest of the group of peels. Glycolic peels can be applied in a variety of concentrations depending on your individual needs and desires. They provide for good penetration of the skin due to their small molecular size and  treat a range of skin conditions including mild sun damage, acne, enlarged pores, uneven pigmentation, areas of dryness and freckles. A series of peels are usually recommended at weekly or longer intervals.

Full Face - $95.00

Full Face (Course of three treatments) - $255.00

Trichloroacetic Acid Peels

TCA peels can also be used in varying strengths and are stronger than Glycolic Acid peels. TCA peels have stood the test of time as the most common and popular type of peels given over the years. They will treat moderate sun damage, improve fine wrinkling and pigmentation problems. They will also treat freckles and some acne scarring. Unlike the deeper, phenol peels or lasers, the TCA peel (at or below 35%) will create a fresh natural appearing complexion, preserving the normal skin color. Post-operatively, the patient feels as if they had a sunburn. A very superficial scab develops and then peels off in about 5 – 6 days leaving new, smoother skin behind.  Similar types of aging and sun damage changes occur on the neck, chest and hands. TCA peels (in lighter concentrations) can also be used to treat these areas.

Full Face - $160.00

Full Face (Course of three treatments) - $435.00

Jessner's Peels

These peels are excellent for skin suffering from acne, blackheads, enlarged pores, sun damage and pigmentation. The main ingredients are salicylic acid, resorcinol and lactic acid which penetrate deep into the skin removing congested sebum and dead skin cells. Jessners peels provide a mild to moderate form of peeling depending on the number of layers applied.

Full Face - $165.00

Full Face (Course of three treatments) - $445.00

Pellevé Wrinkle Reduction System

Pellevé is a unique and non-invasive treatment performed in our Claremont, Perth clinic that is indicated for the cosmetic correction of wrinkles and folds on the face, neck and chest.  Monopolar radiofrequency is used to precisely heat the deep layers of the skin without damage. The procedure achieves facial tightening without surgery or anaesthesia, visibly reducing the appearance of nasolabial folds, crows feet, hooding and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth as well as sagging and wrinkles under the chin and neck.

Results are immediate and very natural in appearance with visible lifting and tightening of the skin and continued improvement of skin quality  and tightness over the following weeks. Most people see results immediately after just one treatment. For some patients, a series of three treatments spaced about one month apart may be recommended for optimal improvement. Additional treatments may be undertaken at any time for long-term maintenance.

The Pellevé procedure has featured on Perth's Mix 94.5 "The Big Couch" and the US television shows "The Dr Oz Show" and "The Doctors". It is FDA cleared for use for mild to moderate wrinkles.

Prices for Perth Pellevé start from $550.00

Click here for more information on Pellevé Skin Tightening

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Fractional laser technology offers optimum skin rejuvenation solutions. The fractional technology delivers the laser energy in a fractional pattern which leaves untreated regions between the treated regions of the skin thus significantly reducing the healing time as compared to traditional Laser resurfacing. Laser skin resurfacing stimulates natural collagen production providing substantial wrinkle removal, superficial skin tightening and total skin rejuvenation with little to no downtime, depending on the depth and energy used.

IPL Treatments

Intense Pulsed Light is a treatment that uses specific wavelengths of light depending on the desired target be it melanin - the dark pigment in your hair and skin, or haemoglobin - the red colour in your blood vessels. This light converts to heat, which damages the target cells without disrupting the skin's surface. IPL is most commonly used for photorejuvenation of the skin and permanent hair reduction. This means it will treat photo damaged skin, freckles, rosacea, redness, spider veins, birthmarks as well as unwanted facial and body hair. IPL treatments are non-invasive and depending on your condition you may require multiple sessions for optimal results.


Full Face - $400.00

Full Face, Neck and Decolletage - $900.00

Hands - $200.00

For a price on a specific area please contact our clinic on (08) 9383 3309 or email info@facial-plasticsurgery.com.au


Facial areas from $100.00

Arms from $200.00

Bikini from $200.00

Legs from $350.00

Full Back - $600.00

Chest and Stomach from $500.00

For a price on a specific area please contact our clinic on (08) 9230 7300 or email info@facial-plasticsurgery.com.au


Dermabrasion is a surgical technique whereby deeper scars and wrinkles can be smoothed. After local anaesthetic is applied to the area, a high-speed rotating diamond phrase burr is used to remove the top layer of skin to the appropriate level for best results.

Are there risks involved?

Yes. There are minor risks involved. Dr Imani will gladly discuss and disclose all possible risks, benefits and alternatives involved at the time of consultation. Our practice staff will provide you with written procedure specific information sheets after your consultation.


Local anaesthetic with or without sedation for deeper peels only.


Outpatient, same day.

Length of Surgery:


Pain Score:

Very minimal pain, only at the time of anaesthetic injection, post operative skin sensitivity and stinging is common.

Recovery and getting back to work:

This will depend on the strength/modality used. The moderately deep peels and laser resurfacing procedures require at least a week of recuperation. One to two weeks after the procedure, new skin will emerge that is pink, finer and with less wrinkles. Redness to the skin will persist for usually up to four weeks or longer (with a laser procedure).

Duration of Results:

Medium to long term.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified surgeon.

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